Yoo SeungHo’s hairstyle for drama ‘God of Study’ is hot fashion trend!

Nation’s little brother Yoo SeungHo sets a fashion trend with his drama hairstyle.
He was recently spotted with a new unbalanced hairstyle for his rebel character in drama ‘God Of Study’. The ‘disconnection’ hair emphasizes dimension, and amidst the craze for ‘beastly’ guy and ‘beast-dol’ style, the hairstyle has been receiving much spotlight from viewers.

Netizens commented with “The uniform style, piercing, and even the hairstyle gives off a perfect rebel image suited for the drama.”

Already many fashion stylists are following the ‘Hwang BaekHyeon Cut’ or ‘Yoo Seung Ho hair’, and we are set to see the style as another fashion trend.