Sung Yuri to Hyori: eat your heart out

Ok, the Queen of KPop’s old-school cuteness didn’t officially say that to the Queen of KPop’s now-school hotness, but you bet your bitchy behind that she was thinking along similar lines while posing for these arguably saucy pictures.
For the December issue of Korea’s Cosmopolitan magazine, Sung Yuri, tried to muster up every ounce of scintillating sexiness in her normally adorable self to have a successfully seductive photo shoot. I’m not saying she totally failed, but she did not pose her butt out of the ballpark neither. Some beautiful people (as terribly ironic as it is) are just not meant to induce minds to fall into the gutter en masse. Yuri, you’re one of these unfortunate anti-sexy nobodies. It’s okay, embrace the ho-hum pretty. Hyori, your throne is safe. For now.
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