Some of Korean TV’s most handsome young (and one who’s not so young), up-and-coming (and a few who have already been there and done that) actors are included in yet another fun photoshoot ELLE’s “Share Happiness” campaign in this month’s issue.
Can I just say that I love all the concepts for the “Share Happiness” campaign so far?
One of my favorite young actors with quite the successful filmography under his 20 year old belt (I mean, has anyone forgotten the “Boys Over Flowers” mania?) – Kim Bum:

Seriously one of the prettiest 22 year old boys from one of the prettiest dramas this year -”Return of Iljimae”- we have Jung Il Woo:

Relative unknown K-drama actor (to me at least) from this year’s “The Man Who Can’t Get Married”, but whom I loved in the movie ”Antique Bakery”, 23 year old Yoo Ah In:

The super cute and extremely baby faced 24 year old (I know-I thought he was like 16!!!) from the currently airing K-drama “Will It Snow at Christmas” and earlier this year’s “Triple” and a cameo in “My Fair Lady”, Song Joong Ki:

The 29 year old actor who has played jerks and more serious roles in the past but has taken a delightfully hilarious turn in the currently airing (and which I am loving!) “Smile, You”, Lee Kyu Han:

I’m not too familiar with this bright-eyed 21 year old either; his dramawiki page tells me he hasn’t been up to much recently besides making a cameo appearance in “High Kick Through the Roof” reprising his role from “Unstoppable High Kick”, but he’s such a cutie I hope he makes a comeback with a new project soon-here’s Kim Hye Sung:

Another 29 year old (who doesn’t look it at all!!) making a splash in the land of K-dramas in this year’s ridiculously successful saeguk drama, “Queen Seonduk”, is Lee Seung Hyo:

I didn’t watch “Romance Zero” but I knew that SUJU’s Kangin was in it. If I had known this sweetly smiled 24 year old actor was in it maybe I would have tuned in… currently starring in “Life is Good”, it’s Lee Taesung:

Here’s a gem of a guy-this 24 year old actor currently is in “Assorted Gems” or “Bosuk Bibimbap” as the coral cutie. I’m not watching the family drama, but I just might look into it and into Lee Hyun Jin:

This charmer looks just as good in modern duds (remember him from “Boys Over Flowers”?) as he did in a traditional hanbok in this year’s underground, manhwa-based hit, “Tamna the Island/Tempted Again”. I fell not only for his good looks, but also his nuanced (at times side splittingly hilarious at other times almost weepy eyed sad) portrayal of Park Kyu. Gotta love 27 year old Im Ju Hwan:

And last but not least we have the ever mysterious CF actor and model boyfriend of the fabulous Kim Minhee-here’s her younger (he’s 21, she’s 27) eyecandy, Lee Hyuk Soo: